Tuesday, March 3, 2020

SS9: Due March 4

First page of Key Player Guide for French revolution (entire guide is due on Thursday)

Monday, February 24, 2020

Social Studies 9 - Deadlines for Week of Feb 24th

Tuesday Feb 25th - familiarize yourself with Weebly, create assigned domain name and pages for the different parts of the assignment (Home, Cause & Consequence, Change & Continuity, Perspective, Works Cited)

Wednesday Feb 26th -  Cause & Consequence, Perspective pages completed

Thursday Feb 27th - All pages of website completed (Perspective, Change & Continuity, Works Cited)

Friday Feb 28th - Complete (proofread, graphics) website and five questions for classmates

Thursday, February 20, 2020

SS10: Due March 10

Front page of UN fact finding sheet